Incorrect Large MeshPart Shadows

In Roblox sessions launched since approximately 3 hours, 30 minutes ago (or earlier), some MeshPart shadows are incorrect. This is particularly noticeable on large mesh parts. You can see this live on the main map of Adopt Me!

This is on Voxel lighting.

Here are screenshots from the same place and camera position. The place was opened from the Studio game browser from the same place and version. The first screenshot is a studio session opened over a day ago. The second screenshot was opened within the last hour.

Old Studio Session:

New Studio Session:


  1. Insert the first mesh in the “Meshes” category of the Toolbox.
  2. Set its size to 500x500x500.
  3. Compare with an older session of Studio. The new session will have a dark mesh, as if it’s covered in shadow, even though it’s in direct sunlight.

Noticed this in studio after importing a large mesh, too.

Hopped into our live game and with most of it consisting of large island meshes, it’s affecting the look quite a bit.

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If you disable global shadows does this fix the issue? And if you enable global shadows is the issue fixed by switching from ShadowMap to Voxel lighting? And what about ShadowMap to Future? I think it could be related to a FIB lighting change, specifically shadow maps (accidental or not).

These specific flags that are tracked on FFlag watcher I think are the only ones I see that could potentially be related so I wonder if its the client update. They were only changed in studio and it was five hours ago (not three and a half) so I’m not confident these are related. Unfortunately FFlag tracker can’t track every flag so it might just not be listed. If I have time I’d look into it more.

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Flag reverted. It should be good now


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