Incorrect mapping animation

Sup guys and while i was creating animation for sniper in td game i found a bug with incorrect mapping anim, theres how i wanna to map animation:

but theres how it is mapping in game:


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Oh, bruh nobody wanna help me this bad

In the animation rig, the HumanoidRootPart is at the correct place? (take a print of HRP without transparency)

I think nobody helps you because they’re reporting your topic, because I think it’s in the wrong category
I think it was suposed to be #help-and-feedback:art-design-support

thanks for advice, just a second

HRP is onthe correct place but i think bug in these lines:

local x = result.Position.X
			local y = result.Position.Y + towerToSpawn.Humanoid.HipHeight + (towerToSpawn.PrimaryPart.Size.Y / 2)
			local z = result.Position.Z
			local cframe =, y, z) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(Rotation), 0)

The grid shouldn’t be off to the side, it should be on the ground. This is caused by you rotating the HumanoidRootPart, you should rotate the Torso instead. This will fix the sniper standing on his two legs as well.

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Ive lready uderstood it but anyway thanks

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