Incorrect plugin rating shown in studio when compared to website

Reproduction Steps

If you look at my plugin on the Roblox Website: Part Face Selector - Roblox you’ll see that it has 52 likes, and 11 dislikes. If you calculate the ratio of likes to dislikes by doing 52/(52+11) you’ll get ~83%.
This is correctly shown on the website:

However if you look at the plugin from studio it shows a drastically lower rating of 64% and only 20+ votes:

This is obviously incorrect.

Expected Behavior

It should show the same stats in studio as on the website.

Actual Behavior

It shows lower ratings in studio.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-08-28 00:08:00 (+01:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-09-02 00:09:00 (+01:00)



Apologies for the delay here! The ratings in Studio and on now reflect more accurate rating counts. We will be continuing to make improvements to the new Creator Marketplace website to provide creators an improved asset discovery experience.
