Incorrect wording in the Help page about how to make friends in Roblox

On the Help page about making friends, under the “How do I ask someone to be my friend?” question, at the 2nd instruction, there’s a note that says While not required, it is recommended that you send a polite message to the other player notifying them of your request as that person may not know or remember who you are. This is incorrect because you can’t send people messages in Roblox anymore as the Inbox feature was removed.
It is currently impossible to message users you don’t know in Roblox. At the moment users can message each other only in-game or 3rd Party apps because the only messaging feature that Roblox has on the website is only available between friends.

The page seems to be updated for the increased 1,000 friends update, but not for the removal of player to player message.

While this issue is not a big deal, it could get quite confusing for some users about how to message other users.

Page URL:

Maybe they are talking in game. If not then yes it is odd that they updated it for the friends amount but not for this.

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I don’t think this needs to change because, either way, Roblox suggests messaging the other person, assuming they don’t know or recognize you. The key point here is that reaching out to the other party in some way is recommended before adding them as a friend, and sending a message works well for this purpose. Additionally, there are plenty of channels available to deliver the message.