Increase Groups API Create Relationship Rate Limit

As a Roblox developer it is too hard to use a bot to create new group relationship requests. I believe that there is a very strict rate limit of around 10 requests per 10 minutes. My game uses alliance relationships to track in-game families. I am trying to transfer these alliances to a ‘database’ group. I have over 4,100 relationships. I am requesting a rate limit increase to this endpoint. With the current limit it would take around three days to send out every request. Increasing the rate limit would make transferring these relationships feasible.



I made a similar feature request for another groups API endpoint last year, which was accepted.

EDIT: Even increasing it to 10 requests per minute would make it feasible. I understand why the rate limit was put into place.


I imagine this low rate limit is to stop abuse, there was a time where a group would send an ally request to every single group ID by just poking this API


Yeah that’s exactly why it’s in place, which is understandable. I doubt they’ll change it but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask.