When the players power reaches 15 the blast parts size should become 12.
When the players power reaches 50 the blast parts size should become 32.
When the players power reaches 100 the blast parts size should become 64.
How do I have it so as the players power increases and reaches the next blastSize value. The blast part can also get incrementally larger and reach its predetermined sizes instead of it just instantly changing its size the moment the required power amount is met.
local blastSmallValue = 15
local blastMediumValue = 50
local blastLargeValue = 100
local smallSize = 12
local mediumSize = 32
local largeSize = 64
local currentPowerLevel = 30 -- example value, insert the player's power here
local blastSize = 1
if currentPowerLevel <= blastSmallValue then
-- the progress variables are from 0 to 1 and show how close your power is to each milestone
-- for example, having a progress value of 0.5 means you're halfway between 0 power and 15 power (the small value)
local progressToSmall = currentPowerLevel / blastSmallValue
blastSize = progressToSmall * smallSize
elseif currentPowerLevel <= blastMediumValue then
-- similar formula here, we just subtract values to represent the difference between the small and medium milestones
local progressToMedium = (currentPowerLevel - blastSmallValue) / (blastMediumValue - blastSmallValue)
blastSize = smallSize + progressToMedium * (mediumSize - smallSize)
elseif currentPowerLevel <= blastLargeValue then
local progressToLarge = (currentPowerLevel - blastMediumValue) / (blastLargeValue - blastMediumValue)
blastSize = mediumSize + progressToLarge * (largeSize - mediumSize)
blastSize = largeSize
print(blastSize) -- with 30 power: ~20 blast size
Specifically I use linear interpolation. It’s kind of hard to explain but here’s a Wikipedia article if needed
This seems to somewhat work. But after implementing this into my script it reaches the max size (64) when the players power is 12 and seems to ignore the other blast values.
remotes.powerPartEvent.Event:Connect(function(player: Player)
local powerPart = player.Character:FindFirstChild("PowerPart")
if not powerPart then return end
terrain:FillBlock(powerPart.CFrame, powerPart.Size, Enum.Material.Air)
local currentWorld = PlayerModule.GetCurrentWorld(player)
local currentPowerLevel = Manager.GetPower(player)
local blastSize = 1
local blastSmallValue = currentWorld.Values.blastSmallValue.Value --15
local blastMediumValue = currentWorld.Values.blastMediumValue.Value --50
local blastLargeValue = currentWorld.Values.blastLargeValue.Value --100
if currentPowerLevel <= blastSmallValue then
-- the progress variables are from 0 to 1 and show how close your power is to each milestone
-- for example, having a progress value of 0.5 means you're halfway between 0 power and 15 power (the small value)
local progressToSmall = currentPowerLevel / blastSmallValue
blastSize = progressToSmall * smallBlastSize
elseif currentPowerLevel <= blastMediumValue then
-- similar formula here, we just subtract values to represent the difference between the small and medium milestones
local progressToMedium = (currentPowerLevel - blastSmallValue) / (blastMediumValue - blastSmallValue)
blastSize = smallBlastSize + progressToMedium * (mediumBlastSize - smallBlastSize)
elseif currentPowerLevel <= blastLargeValue then
local progressToLarge = (currentPowerLevel - blastMediumValue) / (blastLargeValue - blastMediumValue)
blastSize = mediumBlastSize + progressToLarge * (largeBlastSize - mediumBlastSize)
blastSize = largeBlastSize
powerPart.Size += Vector3.new(blastSize, blastSize, blastSize)
if powerPart.Size.X > Manager.MaximumPowerPartSize then
powerPart.Size = Vector3.new(Manager.MaximumPowerPartSize, Manager.MaximumPowerPartSize, Manager.MaximumPowerPartSize)
I can’t see why it wouldn’t be working, and I can’t see the rest of the stuff so you might just have to check everything is correct with print statements.