Increase Server Size

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to make a Immersive Openworld due to a lack of players you would meet in the world. Increase Server Size past 200

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my game / my development experience because:

There would be a lot more immersion in Openworld games. Take MMORPGs, something like Vesteria which somewhat resembles it. The core aspect of Openworld games is that they have a lot of players walking around. A large scale world would just seem dead with 200 Players. Higher server capacity could open up a lot more awesome genres to join the Roblox Platform. For example the MMORPG genre I just mentioned, or any other Openworld genre. Why not allow more advanced server customization. Being able to merge all servers into 1 or just increase server capacity in general? I’m talking about 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10.000 Player Servers. Now, this is just a ridiculous idea. But if it’s possible. then it is a dream come true.


Has your game (any of your games) constantly had said 200 player servers filled up and working perfectly?

I don’t really think this is needed yet until games push to use the current limit, the largest game I’ve seen is Meepcity which uses 130 player servers, and that game is extreme well made.

Having more games hit the 200 player server would give more of an argument that this is a needed upgrade.


My game crashed and it was basically a baseplate with 180 people. The chat stopped working, network lag started happening, and then everyone disconnected. I don’t think we’re ready yet :confused:


Using MessagingService, it is already possible to make an “infinite” player server :0

Plus a method like that really gives you a lot of control over how the characters will replicate. It could be a lot more efficient than a vanilla 200-player server.


If you read the whole thing then you should realize this method isn’t perfect, it also has its issues with handling things such as damage and that in itself I guarantee you someone will find a way to exploit.

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Both of those issues can be solved if you’re creative enough. You can use MessagingService to communicate the damage, and people can already exploit with their characters, so I don’t see what the issue is with that. Even if you can’t work around those, it’s still better than relying on Roblox to increase the (already painful) 200-player server limit.

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In regards to that you have to consider the rendering ridelity of the characters you want on screen. Its not a foolproof technology meant to do this kind of task. Its the same as how we once used Lighting service as a storage back then. Creativity is one thing but this is on performance and you have to consider that its 200 people needing to be in sync together including AI if you had any. Its not a permanet or best solution but granted a work around substitute that again - was not made for something like what’s trying to be achieved here and you cant rely on it remaining performant or maintained to stay used like it is for an RPG.

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to fit all the players into our servers. We’ve optimized our game to handle 200 players with no lag. Over 200 others cannot get in due to the full server capacity.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve player experience because we have 3,000 users who attend our trainings each month wanting to join into our serious role-play game. At RDC, the engineers talked about “400 and hopefully 600 player slots in the future” I make this post to ask when we could expect the access to more server cores, and on how far in the future it is till we’ll be able to access over 200 slots.

Why over 200 players in one server? We aim to bring the most immersive role-play experience possible. Training’s can take 1-2 hours, and it allows our Cadets to make friendships and bond WITHIN our role-play environment. We are built off the anime, Attack on Titan, we try to be as accurate to it as possible, having massive training’s where we can fit over 500 cadets in one server, will further show the commitment of our game to creating an experience like never before, to have 300+ face off against titans or what ever. The more the numbers, it seems the more immersive the game can be.

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3 Year Bump,

I’m making a New York City scaled map (a bit bigger than GTA 5’s map), and it would be dead with JUST 200 players.

We need more powerful servers than we already have.

If roblox REALLY wants to have a Metaverse, they need to have Servers than can support more than 10K+ players, which actually enables the community to play together a LOT more than now.

Stronger Servers will open up so many doors, but I’m looking forward to what the Future has to offer.


I want a server that can hold math.huge players.


I still don’t get why they don’t make an option to manually add better servers to your game and the power to turn them off / on instead of dividing it up into a bunch of small servers. You would have a cap on how many you could add. Could be some kind of beta option.

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No game, period runs all of this on just 1 server. They split it up in many different ways across many different servers based on geo location and many other aspects. In this industry we call this horizontal scaling, (aka spread across servers) currently what you are suggesting is vertical scaling, which is not only incredibly tricky to do at large scale, but also unnecessarily expensive.

Instead of trying to somehow “magically” create massive single server worlds, instead Roblox needs to provide more tools for high bandwidth streaming of information between game servers as well as mechanisms to turn dedicated servers online (kind of like what theyve started to do with memory stores). So that one could have these absolutely massive scaled games completely based on Roblox’ infrastructure.


ROBLOX is definitely not ready for this yet, especially with such a small budget for networking as well.

If you wanted this to happen, you’d need to make a lot of your own custom stuff.

Roblox currently supports up to 700 player servers. They haven’t publicly rolled out more than 100 because of infrastructure. Servers collapse handling just physics in a small area let alone processing multiple hundreds of players and all their network traffic and interactions. There’s a reason players are given physics control dynamically as they move around games. Roblox’s servers just can’t handle the demand that would be put on them by significantly increasing the server capacities.

You have to keep in mind that even though servers are distributed around the world, every player will connect to a single physical server point when they join a game. That single piece of hardware will receive all of that data and run all of that processing. Game servers are also virtualized on the hardware. Just because a piece of hardware might have access to 10Gig networking, doesn’t mean the game server will be able to use all of that.

Roblox is not currently able to handle too many players. As someone said, meepcity crashes at a little over 100 players.

Is this still true?

Roblox promising 700 players in a server but apparently a lie and no improvement over five years … jeeze

700 player servers exist, the crashing is most likely due to the small memory limit that Roblox gives server instances, after 4.5 GBs or so, the server will crash.

So 700 player servers exist but they’re unusable?

Anyway to get more memory? Is it on the roadmap? … Servers with 100 players still crashing…?

They’re not unusable, it just requires better programming than most games on Roblox have. There’s no hardware that can support complete misuse of server resources, that’s just how things are.

The memory limit would be nice to have higher, but it’s not really a limiting factor unless you’re throwing a bunch of stuff into memory which you don’t need. 700 player servers have a memory limit of over 12 gigs as far as I remember.

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ah i see…


but they’re not available anymore right?