Increase UGC Creator % (From Website Sales)


Please make UGC creators get a higher % cut than affiliates when our items are sold on the marketplace.

As of right now, the item creator gets 30% of the sale, the experience owner (Roblox) gets 40% and Roblox gets 30%

Several creators and I agree that it is unfair that we (the people who make the items) receive less robux per sale than the sellers (people who make a script to sell our items).

Combined with the devex rates being the way they are (low, but understandable) it makes it even harder for UGC creators to make good money.

Therefore Iā€™m asking for our % to be increased when our items are sold on the marketplace. An increase from 30% to 60% or even 70% will drastically improve our earnings.

Currently I am earning 6 robux per sale on a 20 robux item. This only equates to two pennies in my currency (gpb)

Two pennies per sale for an item I took effort and time to make with good quality is not proper. Especially considering how much competition is on the catalog and how hard it is to discover new items.

Please consider this request and remove this invisible tax.
