Reproduction Steps
Save a local copy of a large(ish, the issue occurs to me on my 17MB place file) studio file which is published to Roblox (team create may or may not be required)
Notice how studio becomes unresponsive for a very long time, ranging from 10 to 90 seconds.
This happens with any type of local saving, whether it’s manual or auto (playing solo triggers an auto save, meaning load times for play solo can be multiple minutes!)
This only began happening with today’s studio update. It is happening to multiple people, not just myself, ruling out a HDD or PC hardware issue.
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 19041
Studio version 0.523.0.5320389 (latest)
Beta features: CSG 3
Expected Behavior
The file to save at a normal speed, normally within a second.
Actual Behavior
Studio freezes and becomes unresponsive for a very long time. Sometimes over a minute. The longer you’ve had studio open, the longer the freezing is.
Not a workaround, but opening the same file locally and saving it does not have this freezing issue.
Issue Area: Studio Issue Type: Freezing Impact: High Frequency: Constantly Date First Experienced: 2022-04-20 12:04:00 (-06:00)
Similar to you, Studio is seemingly taking a lot longer to play test games and becoming very unresponsive. Previously it would take around 8 seconds to playtest, now its around 30 to 40.
Additionally, terrain generation is taking much longer than before. I am also not able to run workspace.Terrain:Clear() without scripts erroring from exhausting allowed execution time.
Also having this problem. Making it extremely difficult to work with autosave + playtest times 4/5x longer. Started occurring last night after I joined studio to check out the new toolbox. I also have the CSG3 beta enabled.
Studio Version 0.523.0.5230389 (64bit)
I’m currently experiencing this issue as well, there’s been a massive increase in autosave times and play solo times. This makes it incredibly difficult to be able to test changes quickly.
I am having the same issue with following specs/repro info:
Game with Team Create enabled - file size is above 18 megabytes.
Autosaves freeze Studio and play tests take so long.
Both “Run” and “Play” have the same issue with loading.
I also realised that one of my DataStore save failed with HTTP 500 something I can’t remember exactly. Before this update, I was getting MarketplaceService errors in Studio rarely.
PS: That’s not my first issue with autosaves. I also had a “bad allocation” error on autosaves (as well as play tests because they also autosave) which usually also brought some unknown place loading errors after happening once. Might not directly be related with this issue but noting this just in case if these happen because of similar reasons. I haven’t had this in the last 2 weeks.
Regarding this specific error - this is a known issue for larger worlds if using a 32 bit version of Studio (because it is limited in amount of memory it can use). Can you please confirm whether you see this with 64 bit Studio, or are you running 32 bit perchance?