Hey! I’ve recently published a major update to a game I’ve been working on for a long time, called Brickbattle Frenzy. You can find it here: Brickbattle Frenzy - Roblox
The game builds on top of the concept of original Brickbattle games, using tools that are tailored mainly for responsiveness, and the game’s design focuses on fast-paced gameplay (2-second respawn, most gamemodes let you get back in the action very quickly, none of the gamemodes are “survival”-based in the sense that dying will not put you out of the game until the round is over).
While I still want to go in this direction of unstopping action, I feel the game leaves you very little time, and very few options, to socialize with the rest of the server. In response, I’ve added a shop with cosmetics you can purchase as you progress through the game to enhance self-expression (the prices are pretty high right now but I am working on rebalancing them). I’m looking for more elements to add, or for reworks to implement, that would help players feel like they’re a part of something, and bring them to communicate and make friends within the game, or to favor inviting your friends within the game.
What do you think I should be working on in order to enhance the social side of the game?