Warning - Given towards Trainees as the first strike for disobedient behaviour by breaking guidelines and regulations.
Demotion - Given towards Trainees as the third strike after two warnings are given to the client with disobedient behaviour by breaking the guidelines and regulations.
Kick - Given towards Trainees as the fourth strike after a demotion is given to the client with disobedient behaviour by breaking the guidelines and regulations.
Blacklist - Given towards Trainees as the final fifth strike after a kick has been given within a month of violating guidelines and regulations established.
These following rules are to be taken seriously and not to be broken, if they are, these players are to be warned.
A-1 - False accusations are not tolerated. (False accusations against other trainees or higher ranks)
A-2 - Do not disrupt trainings. (Consistently getting out of line, Glitching, Hacking, General Disruption)
A-3 - Comply with the trainer during trainings.
A-4 - Spreading rumours about Higher Ranks is not tolerated. (Spreading false information or personal information)
A-5 - Racial slurs and talking about offensive topics are not tolerated.
A-6 - Starting arguments. (You’re able to go off-duty or elsewhere to do so)
A-7 - The off-duty channel in the Discord Server is a chill out place, some rules don’t count there. As long as your joking and know your limit, you should be fine.
A-8 - Wearing T-Shirts that are not Increment-Related or fill 30% of the torso.
A-9 - Wear regular packages that do not include Rthro. (Roblox 2.0, 1.0, 3.0, etc)
A-10 - Wearing Hats or other that block the user’s avatar.
The following rules, if broken, will result in a kick/demotion. These can only be given by Commanding Officer+. (Recruitment Department do not account unless given otherwise)
K-1 - Excessively breaking the rules.
K-2 - Stating inappropriate terms or topics.
K-3 - Threatening other trainees or trainers.
K-4 - Encouragement of self-harm.
K-5 - Giving links to unsafe websites to trainees or trainers. (websites claiming to give free robux, ect)
K-6 - Flirting with trainers or trainees during trainings.
The following rules that will be listed will give you an immediate blacklist from the group and any sub division of Increment Security. (Increment Corporation, Intelligence Agency, ect)
E-1 - Planning a stunt that violates the Roblox Terms of Service.
E-2 - Leaking personal information of group members, or higher ranks to trainees or other.
E-3 - Downloading games designated to the group to your profile.
E-4 - Arguing with the Head of Security for more than 30 minutes or excessively.
E-5 - Lying about our group to other groups. (i.e “this group has more than 100 active members.” or “the group owner and co-owner are inactive.”)
E-6 - Violating the Roblox and Discord Terms of Service.
E-7 - Any form of DDosing (iplogging, sending dangerous or sketchy sites in any of the Discord Groups channels.) will get you immediate black list.
This Post was modified by Hawk_Tech and lolhi0404. Credits to the regulations and guidelines were created by Lamm_y (Increment Operative)