i got waitforchild is nil but inside the tool there is a folder and script get the tool but after the invokeserver its nil this are the lines
self.UISModule.Rounds, self.UISModule.ReservedRounds = required_RemoteHandler.NotifyServer("GetInfo", "InvokeServer", self.tool)``` here is the invokeserver going to a remotehandler module and this is the remotehandler module script
local RemoteHandlerModule = {}
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local EventsFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Events")
function RemoteHandlerModule.NotifyServer(event, eventType, ...)
if type(event) == "string" then
event = EventsFolder:FindFirstChild(event, true)
if not event then
error("No event by the name of "..event.." has been found")
return event[eventType](event, ...)
return RemoteHandlerModule
``` and this is the script from the onserverinvoke ```lua
function GetInfoRemoteFunction.OnServerInvoke(player, tool)
local scriptsFolder = tool:WaitForChild("Scripts")
local infoFolder = tool:WaitForChild("Info")
local ReservedRoundsIntValue = infoFolder:WaitForChild("ReservedRounds")
local RoundsIntValue = infoFolder:WaitForChild("Rounds")
local required_settingsModule = require(scriptsFolder:WaitForChild("Settings"))
local Rounds, ReservedRounds=GetAmmoInfo(tool, required_settingsModule, RoundsIntValue, ReservedRoundsIntValue)
return Rounds, ReservedRounds
and this is the error ```lua
attempt to index nil with 'WaitForChild``` i try to find something that can help me on the devforum but i didnt can find anything