Index to nil with findfirstchild

Ok so im trying do do somthing when the player joins but it is saying an error
Line 10

local rp = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local plr = game:GetService("Players")
local re = game.ReplicatedStorage.OnJoin.Normalax
local rr = game.ReplicatedStorage.OnJoin.Diamondaxe

plr.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player: Player)
	local axes = player:FindFirstChild("axes")  -- I'm assuming this is some folder in player 
	if not axes then player:Kick("Data could not load, please rejoin.") end 

	local normalAxe = axes:FindFirstChild("Normalaxe")
	if not normalAxe then return end

	if not normalAxe.Value then

Index nil errors are caused when the thing you are trying to find is not there.

Is the “normalaxe” inside the folder?

yes it is, and i tried waitforchild, missed typed

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