Individual Face Mesh Pieces not showing up on Blender and Goofing up on import

semi long post cause of the images

I have been trying to save on triangle pieces for a city to help with overall lag, and have been building walls or roads with one face to them.

Once imported, the problem begins to arise:

The meshes that are imported into the studio do not show up like how they do in Blender. They are inserted in the precise location they were, they are already flipped (exactly how I want it), and the city in “theory” should be importing exactly the way I have it. I have applied Double Sided in the mesh properties, yet they do not show up regardless.

Next, I have also been dealing with these meshes stretching out almost 4x as large as initially intended going both ways.

This mesh selected is a piece of the Road. It has a “length” and centers the axis points in the middle, but has no outline, indicating that the meshes aren’t appearing and is double sided like stated before. It’s like a “clutter” part that sits in the studio (until I delete it lol)

Is this just a studio bug or something? If so, here you go to get started on checking this issue out. I don’t think it’s intentional, because I sometimes get individual faces to be able to be imported + the selection tool highlights the outline of them and can move the meshes around.

The solution I’ve personally found to fix all of this is to extrude them/make them more than one triangle, but that ultimately ends up being the opposite of the original goal, which is to reduce lag, which is why this is annoying in the first place.


Unfortunately, Roblox cannot render 2-triangle shapes (or anything that is 2D). You could try turning on DoubleSided, but that will not fix collisions.

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I’d like to agree with you, but it does render them as 2D shapes at times. Look at the last image, the road itself is flat.

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