Indoor Dynamic Environment Maps Beta

Some unappealing frequent lighting changes happening here. The probe moves subtly which results in the walls of this large room periodically changing tint in a jarring way.

Also really not a fan of how this makes dark spaces spontaneously brighten.


avoid diffuse, just stick to specular and most of the unwanted effects should be gone

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This is a fact, we should be able to place probes ourselves even if it isnt realistic, I mean none of it is realistic because its just a videogame, but control over it is necessary.

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Hi, so, being a blender enthousiast, I modeled my building in multiple meshparts. Sadly, when I place a sphere inside the building, it has no reflections. Here is the place:

Edit: I apologize for not providing anything as reference

Here it is in the house made of multiple meshes:

Here it is in the same game, but in a building made of parts

Please provide an image from Roblox Studio, maybe it is doing it but the reflections are not good.

The Indoor Dynamic Environment is only available on studio, for only developers. Not on the roblox client, i’m pretty sure.

try to change lightning or maybe try to make the walls thicker so light would not pass through parts


That is absolutely 100% not the problem whatsoever.


CS:GO is built off of Source, and source can do reflections like this.

EnvMaps should only be used for reflections. Not GI

EnvMap GI:

Custom GI (Primary light bounce only):

Custom GI (Reflection, Primary, and Secondary light bounces):

EnvMap GI isn’t that accurate, and colors will shift as the camera is moved.

I’d recommend some sort of 2x2x2 voxel GI or allow people to use lightmaps. It’s still pretty satisfying to see a reflective surface in-game though.

Here’s the game link if anyone is wondering:


Even CSGO on the very weird Source engine got good envmaps, and light bounces too, making the maps look way better!


That’s because the cubemaps, lighting and etc is baked into the map when its compiled. Here it’s all made in real time


s t i l l it works way better than whatever these env maps roblox are making


@ConvexRumbler if you don’t mind, could you clarify why objects such as Attachment and Light classes exist, then? Sorry if I’m missing something here.


I agree. Please if your going ahead with these env maps, at least add probes. Otherwise scrap the whole thing imo.

I know it seems like we are all being rude, and I apologise, but personally, it feels super irritating, to have staff keep denying crucial changes/ features.


The issue isn’t really with the staff; they’re just doing what they’re being told. At most, they could tell their supervisors about the situtation, or at least clear it up with them - which is what I am hoping for.


Then why don’t they make a tool that lets us bake maps at any position? That would be extremely helpful to be honest, since taking pictures of a perfectly seamless cubemap is near impossible right now for skyboxes.


Do you mean CubeMaps or LightMaps? Because you can’t bake a CubeMap into a texture.


Wait, you can’t bake cubemaps into textures? Damn, that sucks because I was wondering how certain games take their own seamless static skyboxes, and Clonetrooper’s half life showcase game must be a technique of sorts for his skybox images to be so seamless


Never could. Not in any game engine. CubeMaps are… well… cubes. They have depth and they warp depending on the position and rotation of the camera. You can’t bake a reflection on an object because then it would just be a texture. What Clonetrooper did for his reflections was just use skybox reflections and swap the skybox out whenever you moved into a new area.

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