Inefficient A* pathfinding algorithm

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I want to create a pathfinding function specifically for a grid system that returns an optimal path.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    I set the starting tile to “A12” and the goal tile to “H12”. The grid is 12*8 tiles in size. The optimal path is a straight line from A12 to H12 (same column):

{'A12', 'B12', 'C12', 'D12', 'E12', 'F12', 'G12', 'H12'}

However, I was returned this path:

    [1] = "A12", [2] = "B12", [3] = "B11",
    [4] = "B10", [5] = "B9", [6] = "B8",
    [7] = "B7", [8] = "B6", [9] = "B5",
    [10] = "B4", [11] = "B3", [12] = "B2",
    [13] = "C2", [14] = "D2", [15] = "D3",
    [16] = "D4", [17] = "D5", [18] = "D6",
    [19] = "D7", [20] = "D8", [21] = "D9",
    [22] = "D10", [23] = "D11", [24] = "D12",
    [25] = "E12", [26] = "F12", [27] = "G12",
    [28] = "H12"

A video of it in action. green tile is start, A12, red tile is H12, goal. White tiles are visited tiles.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I was originally using a euclidean heuristic but I switched over to manhattan hoping it would make a difference, but unfortunately it returned the exact same path.


--pathfinding function
-- We are using strings to reference the tile on the grid, e.g. 'A1' = grid:FindFirstChild('A1')
function module.Path(start, goal)
    local function reconstruct_path(came_from, current)
        local path = {current}
        while came_from[current] do
            current = came_from[current]
            table.insert(path, 1, current)
        return path

    local function a_star_search(start, goal)

        local function distance(p1, p2)
            return (grid[p1].Hitbox.Position - grid[p2].Hitbox.Position).Magnitude
                -- Manhattan heuristic
        local function heuristic(point)
            return math.abs(grid[point].Hitbox.Position.X - grid[goal].Hitbox.Position.X) + 
                math.abs(grid[point].Hitbox.Position.Y - grid[goal].Hitbox.Position.Y)

        local open_set =, b)
            return (a and a[2] or 0) < (b and b[2] or 0)
        open_set:Add({start, 0})

        local came_from = {}
        local g_score = {}
        g_score[start] = 0

        while open_set:Size() > 0 do
            local current = open_set:Pop()[1]

            if current == goal then
                return reconstruct_path(came_from, current)

            -- Expand neighbors
            local neighbours = TileModule.Neighbours(current)

            for _, neighbor in ipairs(neighbours) do
                local tentative_g_score = g_score[current] + distance(current, neighbor)

                if not g_score[neighbor] or tentative_g_score < g_score[neighbor] then
                    -- Check if the neighbor is already in the open set
                    local neighbor_in_open_set = false
                    local open_set_items = open_set:GetItems()
                    for i = 1, open_set:Size() do
                        if open_set_items[i][1] == neighbor then
                            neighbor_in_open_set = true

                    if not neighbor_in_open_set then
                        came_from[neighbor] = current
                        g_score[neighbor] = tentative_g_score
                        open_set:Add({neighbor, tentative_g_score + heuristic(neighbor)})
                    elseif tentative_g_score < g_score[neighbor] then
                        came_from[neighbor] = current
                        g_score[neighbor] = tentative_g_score

        return nil  -- No path found

    return a_star_search(start, goal)
--Get neighbouring tiles function
TileModule.Neighbours = function(tileName:string, diagonal:boolean)
    local neighbours = {}
    local pos = grid[tileName].Hitbox.Position
    local directions = {
        {x=0, y=-1}
    local diagonals = {
        {x=1, y=-1},
        {x=-1, y=-1}
    for i, direction in ipairs(directions) do
        local search = grid:FindFirstChild(TileModule.GridPositon( + direction.x*6.4, 0, pos.Z + direction.y*6.4)))
        if search and search:GetAttribute('traversable') then
            table.insert(neighbours, search.Name)
    if diagonal then
        for i, direction in ipairs(diagonals) do
            local search = grid:FindFirstChild(TileModule.GridPositon( + direction.x*6.4, 0, pos.Z + direction.y*6.4)))
            if search and search:GetAttribute('traversable') then
                table.insert(neighbours, search.Name)
    print('Neighbors of tile: '..tileName)
    for _, i in neighbours do
    return neighbours

what is GridPosition? because the TileModule doesnt have GridPosition.

grid position is a string that returns the alphanumeric coordinate of the tile.
by the this was so long ago and it was because I was using the Y coordinate for the heuristic when I should have been using Z coordinate because it was a vector3

can you give me an example of these code?

--  The Y axis is incorrectly used here
        local function heuristic(point : Part)
            return math.abs(grid[point].Hitbox.Position.X - grid[goal].Hitbox.Position.X) + 
                math.abs(grid[point].Hitbox.Position.Y - grid[goal].Hitbox.Position.Y)

--- Replace Y with Z
local function heuristic(point : Part)
            return math.abs(grid[point].Hitbox.Position.X - grid[goal].Hitbox.Position.X) + 
                math.abs(grid[point].Hitbox.Position.Z - grid[goal].Hitbox.Position.Z)

I was just asking for example the GridPosition code honestly. (sorry)

local function grid_pos(pos : Vector2, origin_vector : Vector2?, tile_size : number?) : Vector2
    local size = tile_size or 1
    local origin = origin_vector or Vector2_zero

    local offset : Vector2 = pos - origin
    local vector : Vector2 = Vector2_new(floor(offset.X / size) + 1, floor(offset.Y / size) + 1)

    return vector

module.current_pos = function<T>(self : typeof(module), array : {{{}}}, position : T, origin_vector : T?, tile_size : number?) : (boolean, Vector2?)
    local size = tile_size or 1
    local origin = origin_vector or if typeof(position) == "Vector3" then
        Vector3_new(0, 0, 0)
        Vector2_new(0, 0)
    if typeof(position) == "Vector3" and typeof(origin) == "Vector3" then

        -- Convert to Vector2
        local vec2_origin: Vector2 = Vector2_new(origin.X, origin.Z)
        local vec2_position = Vector2_new(position.X, position.Y)

        return true, grid_pos(vec2_position, vec2_origin, size)
    elseif typeof(position) == "Vector2" and typeof(origin) == "Vector2" then
        return true, grid_pos(position, origin, size)
        -- Return nothing, error
        return false

This is what I would use instead. this assumes your grid origin is at the top right corner

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