Infinite Autocorrect Info

About The Game

Welcome to Infinite Autocorrect! :slight_smile: :confetti_ball:
Get ready to work! Boss needs another one of those documents! Luckily for you, you have an autocorrect program; you don’t have to do any work! Infinite Autocorrect is a wacky work-simulator game that will hopefully build your confidence to not get a job!

Vending Machine Rarity Info

  • Common - 40% (Despite the rarity name)
  • Rare - 50%
  • Mythic - 10%

Common items don’t have any response to its environment, and are strictly decorative.
Rare items usually react to a mouse click to perform a visible action.
Mythic is the neat version of rare: It usually does something more exciting, such as change your music.

Job Titles, Tasks, Raises, and Promotions

Click here to download a list of all job titles. (1.5 KB)

Job Titles appear above your head (on your nametag) during game, and help other players understand. Getting promotions will give your higher job titles, which in turn will unlock possible tasks to be selected at random.

Here’s how promotions work:
When you complete a task, you initially have a one in ten (10%) chance of getting promoted. Every task completed without a promotion will increase this chance by 10%. After every promotion, the chance resets. Here are some examples:

  • You completed one task without getting promoted - Now 20% chance next time.
  • You completed another task without getting promoted - Now 30% chance next time.
  • You completed a third task without getting promoted - Now 40% chance next time.
  • You FINALLY get promoted (yay) - Your chances are now reset to 10%.

Here’s how raises work:
If you don’t get a promotion, you have a one in ten (10%) chance of getting a raise. Raises increase the amount of money you earn per task. If you have Worker Benefits, you can get up to 15 raises – otherwise, free users can get up to ten (10)

What do tasks actually do?
Tasks are strictly statistics. Your promotions are caused by task completion, not number of tasks. These are pretty much used to brag to others.

How to get money

You can get money in a variety of ways:

  • Finish tasks to get paid your income wage per task.
  • Finish bot sidetasks to get paid a variety of amounts.
  • Use the money table to get free money.


These are all the emote names:

Big plans

There are a few things that will drastically change the game for the better that will eventually come:

  • "Infinite Minigames". This will help add more to the game. However, it will take a ton of work and time, and may end up being a different game that is accessible from Infinite Autocorrect.
  • Complete Xbox and Mobile Support. I want the game to be playable on all devices, and I work on that when I can :slight_smile:
  • The Complete Content Update. This update is a secret, but it WILL be a huge update.
  • The Complete Fix and Polish Update. This update will fix ALL bugs and will polish everything for a better feel.

What liking and favoring the game does

Leaving a like and favorite help boost the game on the Top Rated page.

Likes and favorites tell roblox that Infinite Autocorrect is a good game, and thus more people should play it. Sharing the game is also good, as it helps raise awareness of the game from third-party websites.

What spending Robux on the game does

I use robux for a few things, all of which benefit the game.

Some of the robux is used to promote the game through advertisements and sponsorships, in order to constantly bring in new players.

However, a majority of the Robux goes to my account and is cashed out through the Developer Exchange program, which gives me a monthly wage in real money. This money helps pay for real life stuff to keep going, allowing me to further develop :wink: .

Game Info and Links

Game: Infinite Auto - Roblox
My profile:!/creations

Want the Discord link? If you are aged 13 years or above, you should find it below the description on the game page. It should look like this:

Thanks! :heart:


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