Infinite Hunter’s Crown is incorrectly scaled and positioned

Reproduction Steps
Play any game wearing the Infinite Hunter’s Crown or try it on the catalog in 3D.

Expected Behavior
The crown should fit the head, be centered, and be positioned correctly.

Click for pictures of expected behavior.



Actual Behavior
The crown is significantly wider than the head, isn’t centered, and floats off the head.

Click for pictures of actual behavior.



Date First Experienced: 2024-03-15
Date Last Experienced: 2024-03-22


Also, I just noticed that these issues apply to the Vault Explorer’s Crown.


FWIW this one looks like it might be intentional to allow for hair. The first one though is notably too large.

Thank you for reporting this issue. Our team looked into it and confirmed this was made so that all the pieces would fit together, so this crown had to fit on top of the hood.So it is intended behavior since it was designed this way.


Thank you for your response! I didn’t think of the crown’s scaling and positioning in this context at the time. Pretty cool easter egg I have to admit. I just wish it would look good when I wear it separately or with other accessories, but hopefully I will be able to do this when the Avatar Editor can position, scale, and rotate accessories.

@starhiker13 Quick question: With this being the case, is the current scale and position of both necklaces intentional? Currently, they both clip through the torso. If not, I will file a bug report for both of them. I just wanted to ask before filing to not cause further inconvenience. Thanks again!

Blue currently

Gold currently

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