I have this piece of code
while hammer.Unequipped do wait() print("Hammer is unequipped") end
The loop is not ending when the hammer is equipped. Why does this happen?
I have this piece of code
while hammer.Unequipped do wait() print("Hammer is unequipped") end
The loop is not ending when the hammer is equipped. Why does this happen?
Tool.Unequipped is an event that is always in a Tool instance. While loops pass if the statement isn’t falsey or nil. Try using a boolean to signify if the tool is equipped or unequipped.
Unequipped is an event, so it will always be truthy. (its a userdata, and only false and nil are falsy)
If you want to check if it is unequipped, using both Equipped and Unequipped should work.
local IsEquipped = false
IsEquipped = true
IsEquipped = false
while not IsEquipped do
print("Hammer is unequipped")
Depending on what you’re doing, this could be done differently. For example, if this is a player’s tool, you could simply check if the tool was a descendant of the player’s character.