Infinite Terrain Plugin

I’m guessing you might be getting a error in the output that says the model cant be found

  1. make sure the folder and models are names correctly and placed in the correct location
  2. restart studio

Is there way to generate the terrain on a server script instead of a local one?
Assuming that the player can go infinitely far in the game it would be easier if it was generated on the server instead.

It’s possible but you would have to create your own script to do that

Would you have any advice on how to accomplish this? I would appreciate it for my previous attempts to make the terrain server sided have thrown errors

The server will have to keep track of all players and load and unload the terrain around each character as they walk around the world

Is there any existing guide for what each value does? Most of the values in the plugin aren’t labeled, so I’m clueless about how to operate it. I’ve seen 3rd party tutorials where people know the values so I’m assuming there’s something somewhere.

on the first post there are links to all the videos


maybe this image might help


The “Setup” button does nothing, am i missing something?

you need to give the plugin permission to inject scripts you can set that inside the plugin manager

OK, now I can add the script but nothing happens when I save the script into the local script called “Terrain”
Screenshot 2022-09-21 094937

Ohhhhh! Never mind! I put the Terrain Data in the Terrain Local Script. I have to put it into the Data area! Thank you so much for making this incredible plugin!

How do i generate models on the server side?

Something I’ve done before is make a copy of the object in ReplicatedStorage, and in a LocalScript, create a copy when the player touches the object and fire a RemoteEvent with the local object coordinates & player’s coordinates, and on the server check if the coordinates given for the players position are valid (not exploiting and giving false coordinates); use PivotTo:() to move the cloned object to the CFrame coordinates given by the player-fired remote, and use FireClient() to destroy the local one. (Sorry for the extra long sentence)

You can go the extra mile and use the Debris service and add the server-side object to a destroy timer. This will allow you to run code for other stuff and not be interrupted by a timer waiting to destroy the object.

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This plugin is great
I added a “deep terrain” under the actual terrain with seed based cave generation


Do you have the configuration to generate this type of terrain? I’m trying to generate my own terrain but I’m having issues doing it.

do you want the noise/material configurations?

Yes, if you still have them. I’ve been trying to get a good noise/material configuration for a while now, but it keeps messing up and I haven’t learned much from tutorials.

that are the modifications for such a terrain:

[“thickness”] = 35,
[“shift”] = -150,
[“waterHeight”] = -10,
[“minimumHeight”] = -10000,
[“maximumHeight”] = 10000,
[“noises”] = {
{28135.1, 150, 0.006, 0.4, 10},
{28135.2, 150, 0.006, 0.3, 10},
{28135.3, 150, 0.006, 0.2, 10},
{28135.4, 150, 0.006, 0.1, 10},
{28135.5, 150, 0.006, 0, 10},
{20599.529, 200, 0.004, -10, 10},
{39701.135, 30, 0.04, 0, 10},
{12499.573, 3, 0.2, -10, 10},
[“materials”] = {
{1296, -10000, 8, 0, 7},
{1360, 150, 200, 4, 7},
{1328, 150, 200, 7, 9},
{1284, -10000, 200, 0, 2},
{1280, 8, 200, 2, 7},
{1360, -10000, 200, 7, 9},
{1328, 200, 10000, 0, 9},
{896, -10000, 10000, 9, 10000},
{1344, -10000, -8, 0, 6},
{1296, -10000, 15, 0, 40},
{896, 20, 10000, 0, 2},
{1360, 13, 10000, 0, 4},
{1280, 14, 10000, 2, 19},
{1284, 14, 10000, 7, 20},
{896, -10000, 10000, 9, 600},

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Wow fair play mate, this is a pretty awesome piece of work. I stumbled across it completely by accident and I’m glad I did. Not sure I will use it like, only because I prefer low-poly cartoon like graphics, but I feel compelled to doff my hat to you. It is you, and the many other super talented souls that make Roblox what it is for all the dreaming hopefuls.

Respect and Garlic man.

Hey everyone! Is it possible to spawn in models that haves script inside them? I need to do this to spawn enemies in during terrain generation.