Infinite Terrain Plugin

can you give me an example? or like a code of it? please

because I tried makes both localscripts scripts but they don’t work.

also how do I make it generate biomes (basically the ones that you mentioned)

if you press the setup button it will create a LocalScript for you if you have allowed the plugin to inject scripts

you can use that LocalScript to make a normal script version everything will almost be the same you just have to use the players characters position instead of the cameras focus CFrame

I have a video showing how to generate biomes that video is a little old so it wont map onto the current version of Infinite Terrain exactly

but for biomes my other plugin Infinite Scripter is a better option

the biomes I was talking about was like the desert from your video.

I’m having a problem where the terrain isn’t generating when i play test the game. I’ve loaded and saved all the data and scripts needed though and there are no errors popping up.

did you place terraindata into data?

(EDIT): Ive fixed the problem now. I didn’t realize all my data folders were under the terrain script and not the data configuration object.