Infinite Terrain Plugin

Uhh it dont work i press the generate local script button and it create a script but no terrain generation upon play

Even the game that you added as example dont generate terrain propery

did you save the terraindata into the localscript and also did you add a material?
if you watch the tutoral video it will show you how to use the plugin

Uhh i did not watch through but ive made some promising terrain data and i hit Create local script and it create a script,But at runtime,It dont generate terrain in realtime around me.There are no error

After you press the create local script button you then must press the Save button this will create a terraindata file you must put the terraindata file inside of the local script

OHHHH Thx,Cool plugin Its very cool!

no problem im happy you worked it out
next you will need to learn how to edit and paint the terrain :slight_smile:

This plugin is absolutely amazing, great work. If it isn’t already taken, I think you should change the name to “Terrain+“ or something along those lines, because it has features other than infinite terrain.

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I tried infinite train and it crashed my roblox client on the original terrain generator however this plugin really seem to work amazing.

Awesome. Also, it is possible to have things load if the terrain is loaded beneath them? Or will that already happen. I don’t want the player to see floating things.

So um is there a way to despawn terrain after player has gone far from the chunk??

I think you can change that in the thickness setting

I agree with this statement. Over the years of terrain plugins I have messed with, this one in particular has to be the most powerful one yet. With the ability to create any world to your liking and being able to polish it with the edit/paint tools alongside it being compatible with Roblox’s terrain plugin, I can definitely see developers including me using this to create beautiful maps.

Some suggestions I have on improving the plugin @5uphi would be having properties that show all the customizable settings. I tend to forget every now and then what each variable does and I have to refer back to the video to remember.

Another suggestion would be having a way to slowly clear all terrain for those who create large environments with it. My client tends to freeze when I try to clear all terrain to see a change in what I have made.

One final one would be having an “ObjectData” Folder that lets developers save part instances and their CFrame data so that it can be loaded whenever a player gets within its render distance.

Other than that, this is a very great plugin in short.

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if you enable Workspace | Roblox Creator Documentation then parts will only load in as the terrain has loading in you may need to ajust Workspace | Roblox Creator Documentation to make it align perfectly with the terrain


roblox has a built in despawn mechanic if you go into settings when running the game and turn the graphics quality down roblox will despawn terrain with a distance depending of how low or high your graphics quality is

Well I use graphic 10 and I want the trail that the player has gone(up the mountain) to disappear since it look bad when you see a thin line of terrain stretching up to the peak then go down again while side of that terrain line is noting but air.And also is there anyway that we could add biome noise??like 1 noise determine the height map 1 determine the more detailed heightmap,1 determine the biome placement(Eg.Stone pillar biome will have a small high amplitude noise and only appear in the white part of the biome noise).

The plugin does not support despawning but you could edit the local script to despawn the terrain

Biomes are also not support by the plugin

Oh I know what you could do you can use atmosphere to make terrain at a distance fade out

Well it didn’t quite work out the way i’d expect but anyway Thx you for your amazing plugin!I spend 49 robux on something that doesn’t work.This is a life saver.

I made it download-able so you can look around

Could you also upload the source files in a src directory? I would like to browse the code since rbxm files are in binary, not XML.