Infinite Wait on Accessing the players character's shirt and pants

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    Local Players Shirt is a certain ShirtId(Note: This script is a server script)
  2. What is the issue?
    “WaitForChild” runs infinitely, Even when removed, Char.Shirt is non existent. And the print statement fires btw.

	print("player added")
repeat wait() until char.Shirt and char.Pants 
		print("shirt loaded")
		local shirtchar= char:WaitForChild("Shirt")
		local pantschar= char:WaitForChild("Pants")
		shirtchar=game.ReplicatedStorage.Avatar["Class Outfits"].Citizen.Shirt.ShirtTemplate
		pantschar=game.ReplicatedStorage.Avatar["Class Outfits"].Citizen.Pants.PantsTemplate

How would I be able to acess the characters shirt?

Can’t see the main issue, but the later part of your code is flawed.

local pantschar= char:WaitForChild("Pants")
		shirtchar=game.ReplicatedStorage.Avatar["Class Outfits"].Citizen.Shirt.ShirtTemplate
		pantschar=game.ReplicatedStorage.Avatar["Class Outfits"].Citizen.Pants.PantsTemplate

All you are achieving is redefining shirtchar and pantschar to the template - it is not changing the player’s shirt / pants at all

Fixed it, I changed the shirt by accessing plr.Character and changing the .ShirtTemplate aswell

local playerShirt=plr.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Shirt")

		local playerPants= plr.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Pants")
		playerShirt.ShirtTemplate=game.ReplicatedStorage.Avatar["Class Outfits"].Citizen.Shirt.ShirtTemplate
		playerPants.PantsTemplate=game.ReplicatedStorage.Avatar["Class Outfits"].Citizen.Pants.PantsTemplate

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