Infinite Yield Possible On player.Backpack:WaitForChild("Key1")

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To fix this error, i havent got any working solutions yet

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Infinite Yield Possible On player.Backpack:WaitForChild(“Key1”)

Why/How It Happened

It happens when equipped another tool it wont work ,maybe since the first tool deequipped it is inserted into game.Players.Player.Backpack
instead of Staying In The Character Model

but i still couldnt figure out the solution.


local prox = script.Parent.ProximityPrompt
local lock = script.Parent.Parent.Lock1
local str = script.Parent.Parent.Value
local door = script.Parent.Parent.door

	str.Value += 1
	prox.Enabled = false
	if str.Value == 2 then
		door.Transparency = 1
		door.CanCollide = false
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Check if the Tool is in the Player’s Character, then check if the Tool is in the Players Backpack, use :FindFirstChild() when it comes to this, it wont yield like with :WaitForChild(), however you have to make sure the object exist using an if statement.

For Example:

local obj = example:FindFirstChild("Key1") -- looks for object

if obj then -- if object found
    obj:Destroy() -- destroy object
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it works but when i run it, the key isnt destroyed. everything worked fine but just the key wont destroy

You can use protected calls to see if its results are right or if it gives error it will provide you with more detailed error

For this you would have to add an edge case for the character as well. Here’s an example of how you could do it

-- Previous Code
-- player.Backpack:WaitForChild("Key1"):Destroy()
key = nil

if player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Key1") then
   key = player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Key1")
elseif player.Character:FindFirstChild("Key1") then
   key = player.Character:FindFirstChild("Key1")

if key ~= nil then
   -- rest of your code

This works because it is taking into account that the tool may be activated inside the character. But additionally, it also takes into account that they may not have the key.

Anyway, I hope this helps.

it didnt work. the number value didnt go up