InfiniteMath | Go above 10^308/1e+308!

Get it from the github Release 1.3.10 · KdudeDev/InfiniteMath · GitHub

found the Lua files in the src but still, a simpler way to get the module/updates would be nice.

I can upload it if you want.

Sure, feel free to re-upload and link it here for anyone else who wants it

Here’s the reupload of the latest InfiniteMath if anyone needs it.

hey i have a problem when upgrading to 1.3.x from 1.2.3. seems like there a breaking changes.

hey seems like checkNumber internal function not really optimized, like it call .new every checknumber is called. could you optimize it like less use .new for better performance and efficiency.

I am not the best scripter, nor the person to understand a single word in here, but i’m struggling to use a string, like how would I do“1K”) or something like that? Do I need to use 2 different leaderstats or could I use a string like this?

Can you help? I’ve tried searching everywhere but there isnt much info on this module

Its a leaderstat that constantly changes, so how do I turn 1K as a string into Infinitemath, or 1M as a string into Infinitemath?

If I did"1K) (because the leaderstat is literally “1K” not “1000”) then I get the error “ReplicatedStorage.InfiniteMath:59: attempt to perform arithmetic (mod) on nil and number”

How can it return 1000 and not 1K?

Why is the model deleted i just wanted to go above 1e+308

Edit: Oh wait i found the link. Can you put it at the first post

local im = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.InfiniteMath)
while true do
	for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
		plr = v
		if plr:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") and plr.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Studs") then
			local studs =
			studs *= 10
			plr.leaderstats.Studs.Value = tostring(studs)

Like if I do this, it errors at 1000

i have a found a problem and i want you to fix it
lets say:

local Health ={1,50})

if Health > 0 then
    -- do stuff here

it will error because its comparing a number to a table, how do i fix this

my best solution is to make a number value (not in leaderstats folder) and do (its best to put the number value at the player but you can put it anywhere).

-- here is the script (ofcourse make a new number value at the player):
local im = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.InfiniteMath)
while true do
	for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
		plr = v
		if plr:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") and plr.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Studs") then
			local studs =
			studs *= 10
			plr.leaderstats.Studs.Value = studs:GetSuffix()

I want it to be a number, the thing im saying (if possible) is to have no suffix because it always returns one.

Also, the reason im using InfiniteMath is to get past the number barrier so this solution wouldn’t work.

Use another with a value of 0

local im = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.InfiniteMath)
local Health =,50)

if Health >,1) then
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Basically the problem above is that its returning “1K” without using GetSuffix()

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