Infinity Gauntlet item doesn't fit on player (Egg Hunt 2019 item)

Yes, I know this is a really old request, but this is something that’s been bugging me ever since I got the item in 2019.

Currently, the only character that the Infinity Gauntlet will work on is the “ROBLOX Boy” package + a few others (pictured below).
On a majority of packages however, the Infinity Gauntlet is either too small, or misaligned with the arm.

It doesn’t even work on many Rthro packages, which is weird considering Roblox was pushing that hard back in early 2019.

The few that do work usually only do because the arm is super thin. Even so, the arm isn’t centered in the glove so it still looks weird.

For an official item, it’s quite sad to see that barely any effort went in to actually making it work, especially since it’s an item that could only have been obtained through one of the biggest events of the year.

Even though it’s an old item, I really hope this gets fixed, because it’s so cool. I wish I could wear this item more often.


Bumping. Waiting for a response from a staff member to see if this will ever get fixed.

At the very least, I just want it fixed for the basic body packages (Man, Woman, Robloxian 2.0, etc)

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!

Thanks for flagging this, and we definitely understand the frustration. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to fix this issue at this time.

The Inifinity Gauntlet is attached to Avatars based on the LeftGrip Attachment. We can adjust the posittioning of the attachment on the accessory itself to make it work for other Avatars like you’ve suggested, but it will break it for other Avatars, since the Left Grip Attachment is in a slightly different position on every Avatars.


Thank you for considering my ticket, and thanks for giving insight into why this problem occurs.

Is it possible that a solution will ever be found in the future? I notice that there are hairs available on the Catalog that will change to fit the player’s head shape. Is it possible to apply that technology to accessories or would it require something entirely new?

would it be fixable for r6, cause i remember the glove being in its correct position when it first released. but now it just looks like this