Greetings Dev’s,
I’m making a game and In the game, there’s a loading screen That I’ve already Scripted, I need help scripting an Info Page After the Loading GUI (Basically a Frame with Button will appear AFTER Loading screen) Can anyone help?
Greetings Dev’s,
I’m making a game and In the game, there’s a loading screen That I’ve already Scripted, I need help scripting an Info Page After the Loading GUI (Basically a Frame with Button will appear AFTER Loading screen) Can anyone help?
Could you show me the script so I could put a bit of stuff / put a line of code in there?
I can’t screenshot but here’s the script, Let me know if I need another script,
Button Script (Located in StarterGui):
local InfoPage = script.Parent.InfoPage
local Continue = InfoPage.ContinueButton
InfoPage.Visible = false
InfoPage.Visible = true
InfoPage.Visible = false
Loading screen GUI Script (Located in Replicated First):
local PlayerGui = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild(“PlayerGui”)
local GUI = script.LoadingScreenGui:Clone()
GUI.Parent = PlayerGui
GUI.Frame:TweenPosition(,0,1,0), “InOut”,“Sine”,0.5)
Both are Local.
Once you’ve destroyed var. GUI, just repeat the same steps with the other GUI. Unless I’m completely avoiding your entire point, in which case sorry.