Information of the Lamplighters

What is Lamplighters?

Lamplighters is a community group formed by Trilido on January 18, 2020, still led by the creator.

It has more than 300 members and more increasingly come, the purpose is to recruit as many members as possible.
Lamplighters has been going through many games to recruit and have more members.

High-rankings host meet-ups in various games. Members to join games freely, causing more players to be interested in the group. Members help each other and support the group greatly.
The group is incredibly supportive, and has a bright future!

How do I join?

Here are the instructions on how to join the group.

You will not be able to join the group if you do not complete the steps below.
Sending a request to join the group is useless if the steps below are not completed.


Go to the sign-up page on Roblox.
  • Once you’re there, create and choose letters or numbers of your choosing, the max characters you can add to the username is four.

  • Next thing is to add the word rilido after the characters, make sure you spell it correctly.

  • Finally, register to Roblox with the account you created.



Go to the avatar page.
  • Remove all of the accessories from the new account. (faces, shirts, pants, hats…)

  • Click on the category Body, and then click on Skin Tone.

  • When you’re in Skin Tone, click on Advanced.
    Click this if you are an IOS user and you can’t find the Advanced feature.
    (Bottom right)

  • If you found that button and clicked on it, you’ll see this:

The next part will explain the usage of the feature:


As in our group, you are allowed to choose some parts of the avatar yourself. For this part, I will say which colors you're supposed to have in the avatar to make it proper, and which colors you're allowed to choose yourself.
  • Really Black = image
  • Your Choice = Any Color (except Really Black)

IMPORTANT: There should only be 2 colors; Really Black, and your color. The color you’ve chosen shall be used for every part that says “Your Choice”.

Head > Your Choice
Torso > Really Black
Left Arm > Really Black
Right Arm > Really Black
Left Leg > Your Choice
Right Leg > Your Choice

Example for an avatar (but with your own chosen color)



  • If you have successfully followed and done the steps, you are to send a join request to the Lamplighters group.

  • Wait patiently as someone accepts your request.

Got it wrong?

If you haven't been accepted into the group yet, I recommend double-checking the steps and try again.

Thank you for reading the instructions!

What is the group about?

The group is a community and a group of people who visit games, have fun, and explore new stuff. I do not know how to define the group, but I would say it's a friendly, courteous, and welcoming community! The group endures a history and is unique.

Is Lamplighters a raid group?

The Lamplighters has been falsely categorized as a raiding group.

Lamplighters is NOT a raiding group, and never claimed to be one. Members have been banned from several games due to false suspicions and misleading assumptions.


Thank you for reading! More information will come, stay tuned.