Ingame Explorer

Hey everyone!

I’ve been wanting to showcase this for a while now. It’s an ingame explorer just like Roblox Studio’s!

More screenshots

I might release this as a resource for developers to use in their games, so stay tuned! :smiley:
Note: This is my first time posting in this category, so please tell me if I did a mistake!

Nothing else much to say but, I hope you guys find it cool! :blush:


Incredible! Does it work? Are there any bugs?

I like the fact that arrows are included instead of the new button. Is there a light theme to this with the new icons to be more accurate with the current version of Roblox Studio?

I’m amazed that it looks exactly like the studio explorer. I’m curious, is there a properties menu?

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It looks really good but…make sure it can’t be exploited like they did with dex it can be very very harmful if it’s used in a game and exploited

Yes, there is a bug that allows you to paste an object multiple times in one click. I’m planning to fix this in the rewrite.

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Yes. I would make sure you’re not artificially replicating instances that are in containers that aren’t replicated to the client, like in ServerStorage.

I’m planning to add themes with it, and it also includes Elttob’s Vanilla’s icons, which I’m planning to add as an option.

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Sadly there isn’t. I did make one a while back but it’s still in the process in the making.

Do you guys want the explorer to use Studio’s Redesign or Studio’s older design?

  • Redesign
  • Older

0 voters

Bump lol
But anyways, here are both explorer designs side by side


This was a pretty fun project to make :+1:. Let me know if I should actually release this! :smiley:

I think you should release this! This would help many people who still struggle with studio’s default explorer due to studio bugs or just want the old icons back.

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