Rules governing The Oceanian Empire
Section One: Crimes
It is a thought-crime to commit any of the following:
- Corruption
- Escaping Legal Authority
- Exploiting on duty
- Extortion
- Murder
- Treason
- Purjury
- Conduct unbecoming of a model citizen
- Misconduct on Operation
- Manslaughter
- Refusal to wear uniform without valid excuse
- Sedition
Section Two: Uniforms
Uniforms are to be worn all the time while on duty. If you cannot afford the uniforms, speak to a party executive, they’ll be able to help arrange funds for you.
For hats, you should wear a Black Beret or Military Officer’s Cap. If you can’t afford either of these then don’t wear a hat.
You are allowed to wear anything on other positions on your avatar as long as it is reasonable and matches well with the uniform.
Uniforms for Party Executives & BB
Shirt: Casual Coveralls, Party Minister & Big Brother [+] - Roblox
Pants: Casual Coveralls, Party Minister & Big Brother [-] - Roblox
Uniforms for Inner Party
Shirt: Casual Coveralls, Inner Party [+] - Roblox
Pants: Casual Coveralls, Inner Party [-] - Roblox
Uniforms for Outer Party
Shirt: Casual Coveralls, Outer Party [+] - Roblox
Pants: Casual Coveralls, Outer Party [-] - Roblox
Uniforms for Proles
Shirt: Casual Coveralls, Prole [+] - Roblox
Pants: Casual Coveralls, Prole [-] - Roblox