Innacurate/biased SpreadAngle particle distribution

ParticleEmitters have a biased particle distribution on their X axis, despite having a SpreadAngle of (180, 180)

Reproduction Steps
To reproduce, insert a Part into the workspace, and insert an Attachment with a ParticleEmitter inside of it. Set its SpreadAngle to (180, 180). To best visualize the bug, set its Rate to 1000, its Drag to 3, and its speed to (5, 40).

The following photos demonstrate this behavior. They are both taken from the top perspective.

With ParticleEmitter:Emit(10000):

With ParticleEmitter.Enabled (with rate of 1000):

Expected behavior
ParticleEmitters should have an equal distribution on all axes

Actual behavior
ParticleEmitters have a biased distribution on the X axis

Use Sphere for the ParticleEmitter’s Shape property. This doesn’t work for particles under attachments.


We’ve filled a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!

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We can’t repro this bug, so we’re going to assume the issue is no longer occurring.
If you’re still having trouble please let us know and attach a place file that demonstrates the issue.
Thank you!

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