Innapropriate Action Mitigation

I tried making this script that monitors

the player’s movements, and if they spam W and S in a specific timeframe, they get kicked from the game. Its a bit janky, but it gets the job done. Any suggestions / additions to the code would be very helpful!
KeyspamDetector.rbxm (1.3 KB)


Side note, sorry for the weird avatar in the video, I don’t want to be affiliated with the action

i think this idea is odd, I understand why you’d want to prevent that type of movement but it won’t change anything. It’s essentially censoring movement, which could force players away. There’s a reason why big developers don’t do something like this, and that’s because it’s unneeded.

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This is a great idea but it seems like it needs to be touching a Humanoid or in a certain area near another humanoid rather than not touching anything and if a person gets stuck in a certain area or place and they need to get out via spamming W and S key or they are just confused, they might as well be accidentally kicked out of the experience

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i would get angry if that happened to me in any game, whether it was my intention or not

players like me

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Yeah, someone suggested to monitor if the player is near someone or not, but idrk how id go about it
it might involve raycasts though

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Yeah, but still
it may seem small to the people who were already used to it, but then there could be incidents where someone who doesnt know what it means starts googling it and then they get into bad stuff because of it
i dont want that to happen to anybody, it’s a sad situation

You’re talking in a hypothetical situation, however I’ll humor this,

It is the parents job to protect their children, not yours. If the parent isn’t doing their part to keep their children safe, that’s for them to deal with and the blame can NOT be shifted onto you.

Do you genuinely believe preventing people from doing these types of actions will help them develop and grow? You don’t want to shelter people, that leads to people not being able to differenciate what’s right and wrong for themselves. You take their right to decide what’s right and wrong away, then you become like many other countries that have massive censorship.

I’ve touched on this with other post ranting about certain types of games being on Roblox… however the important note is;

Sheltering creates rebels, exposure creates lessons.