Innovation Inc. Skyscraper - Rules, Information and Credits

iiss logo

Innovation Inc. Skyscraper

An unofficial fan game by iindium and Boi_3pic

This game is not being developed at the moment, we have moved on to a different (and better) project! We could possibly continue development one day but I and Boi both seriously doubt that it will happen.





These rules will likely change as the game matures, send constructive feedback to @iindium


A - Bannable Offenses
Punishable by a permanent ban from the game

B - Offenses
Punishable by temporary suspension, muting, demotion or exile from group

C - Captain Rules
Rules and advice regarding Security Captains

H - High Rank Rules
Rules and advice regarding members of the upper ranks of Innovation Inc. Skyscraper


Section A - Bannable Offenses

A1 - Violation of Roblox ToS - Failure to follow the Roblox Terms of Service will result in a permanent ban.

A2 - Exploiting - Exploiting will result in a permanent ban.

A3 - Repeated Offenses - Repeated offenses from Section B may result in a permanent ban.

Section B - Offenses

B1 - Blocking Controls - Purposefully blocking controls that impact the game.

B2 - Bug Abuse - Purposefully abusing bugs. If you notice an unreported bug, you are advised to report it to us.

B3 - Harassment - Harassing another user is, of course, not permitted. Punishable by a mute and potential ban.

B4 - False Report - Purposefully sending a false report.

Section C - Captain Rules

C1 - Command Abuse - Abuse of captain commands will result in demotion and, if severe enough, a ban. Misjudging a situation will not count as abuse, however if “misjudgments” are frequent enough, a demotion is likely.

C2 - Unnecessary Wall Post Deletion - Deleting wall posts unnecessarily will result in demotion.

C3 - Mass kicking/mass deleting - Mass-kicking players or mass-deleting wall posts will result in demotion and a permanent ban.

C4 - In case of account breach -


Notify an executive on the communications server. If you are a leader (DD), notify @iindium or @Boi_3pic. You may include the name of your alternate account.

Your alternate account (if listed) will be given your previous permissions while your main account will be temporarily suspended from the game and group.

Section H - High Rank Rules

H1 - Command Abuse - Abuse of administrative permissions will result in demotion and a possible ban.

H2 - Other Rule Violations - Violating rules in section A and B will result in demotion and punishment depending on the specific rule violated. Rules C2 and C3 also apply to high ranks.

H3 - In case of account breach -


Notify an executive on the communications server. If you are a leader (DD), notify @StarCitadel or @Boi_3pic. You may include the name of an alternate account.

Your alternate account (if listed) will be given your previous permissions while your main account will be temporarily suspended from the game and group.


Information pertaining to the game.

[Work in progress]



Note that we have roleplay rank names in the group.


@iindium - Building, some scripting
@Boi_3pic - Scripting, some building (aint that combo funny)
@TheDiamondDude2344 - Building, Modeling



Game Moderators



@claire6125 - Game art (work in progress)
Innovation Inc. - Original logo
@iindium - Logo Recolor
Molly - Puppy Placeholder

And all of you!

or whatever cheesy garbage im supposed to say
