Innovation Security Joining Guide [UNOFFICIAL]

This is a guide on how to get accepted into Innovation Security. This was made for the sake of extra room on my profile, and to explain in more detail than what the character limit will allow. Please do note that this is an unofficial guide, it is based on my experiences with the group. In addition, do remember that I cannot accept you into Innovation Security or promote you in Innovation Inc.

Step 1: Join Innovation Inc (Innovation Inc. - Roblox)

Step 2: Buy an official uniform from Innovation Security. Be sure not to get any Guardsmen+ Uniforms. Those uniforms are for Tier 1 Guardsmen and above ONLY. So if you are not at that rank the uniform is invalid.

Good Starter Shirt: Innovation Security Shortsleeved Standard - Roblox
Good Starter Pants: Innovation Security Basic Pants - Roblox

Step 3: Keep your inventory open, or wear the uniform. This lets the ROs know that you indeed own it.

Step 4: Message a Recruitment Officer (RO), not an HR. You do NOT have to do this step. Doing so only speeds up the process. Be sure to ask in a friendly, professional manner. Don’t demand them to accept you.

Step 5: Read the rulebook, and know the rules. Breaking rules can get you punished/exiled.

RULEBOOK: Innovation Security Rulebook

What do I do after I’m accepted into Innovation Security?

You should patrol bases on a regular basis, that is essentially the point of security.

Go to trainings and rank up. The “Commends” system (Points) is what you will receive for winning events such as TDM,FFA,Obstacles,Climb, etc. Commends are given based on how many the trainer wants to give. “Commends” (also known as “Coms”) can also be taken away for breaking rules in the rulebook.

In the event that you’re exiled read these guidelines: Innovation Security Exile Rules


Q: When is training?
A: They are when trainers feel like hosting, don’t ask them.

Q: How do I rank up?
A: Earn Commends.

Q: Can I have a custom uniform?
A: Only ETG+

Q: Is there a training schedule?
A: No.

Q: What do I do if the training server is full?
A: You will need to join the server queue, this is a Roblox feature so trainers can’t do anything about it.

Q: I have a complaint, who should I talk to about it?
A: All complaints should be sent to Rolijok (Head Of Security).

Q: If I leave the group will I keep my rank?
A: No, you will not keep your rank if you rejoin the group. Nor will your commends be returned on re-entry. Meaning your commends will be reset to 0.

Q: What is the “Group Photo”?
A: It is a photo where up to 100 members of Innovation Security go and take a photo that will be posted in the Training Facility.

Q: Where is the “Group Photo”?
A: photoplace - Roblox