Input/Controller Image Library?

Does anybody know of an input image library similar to this which contains more images for inputs like keyboard/mouse and maybe some finger icons for mobile? If not, the documentation link for the Roblox module listed in that post seems to have been renamed or deleted. If somebody could help me find that, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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If I recall correctly, this was the library from the Wiki article:

There are no other officially supported libraries for input images. You’ll have to create your own library for that or search for one that does exist.

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On the devforum post I linked there was a link to a wiki article/documentation for that library, but the link doesn’t work anymore. I tried searching the name up of the developer hub but I couldn’t find anything. Did they remove the article or am I just bind?

Check out what my post says. The Wiki article was more like a “how-to-use” sort of article, but again I believe the actual library it’s referencing is that one that I linked.

The article doesn’t exist anymore, that you got, but the controller library still exists.

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