Its time like this when I absolutely despise coding
Im following a combat system playlist tutorial.
Edit: It seems like the InputEnded function is firing twice when i placed a print statememnt before the remote was fired i cannot find anything about InputEnded only about InputBegan on this problem. I will try to switch to InputBegan instead of InputEnded.
This is a local script under StarterCharacterScripts
UIS.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, gameProcessedEvent)
if gameProcessedEvent then return end
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.One then
This is the server script where the event is being received
WeldWeapon.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, action)
local char = plr.Character
local hum = char.Humanoid
local torso = char.Torso
local leftArm = char["Left Arm"]
if action == "Equip/Unequip" and not char:GetAttribute("Equipped") then -- equipping
welds[plr].Part0 = leftArm
welds[plr].C1 = WeaponsWeld.Scythe.HoldingWeaponWeld.C1
elseif action == "Equip/Unequip" and char:GetAttribute("Equipped") then -- unequipping
char:SetAttribute("Equipped",false )
welds[plr].Part0 = torso
welds[plr].C1 = WeaponsWeld.Scythe.IdleWeaponWeld.C1
equipping and unequipping are being printed at the same time when I press “1” and that is the main problem
The “Equipped” attribute is set to false above this function when the character is added i didnt include it because this would get too long
Okay so I took the long way and duplicated everything into a new game and started deleted things to see what the problem was. It seems that the problem is this local script that i copied from somewhere in dev forum to create a viewport frame of the player which I used for my inventory frame.
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local ViewCamera ="Camera")
ViewCamera.Parent = script.Parent.ViewportFrame
ViewCamera.CFrame =, 0, 0)
script.Parent.ViewportFrame.CurrentCamera = ViewCamera
repeat wait(.1) until game:IsLoaded()
Character.Archivable = true
local ClonedCharacter = Character:Clone()
CurrentCharacter = ClonedCharacter
ClonedCharacter.Parent = script.Parent.ViewportFrame.WorldModel
ClonedCharacter.Humanoid.DisplayDistanceType = Enum.HumanoidDisplayDistanceType.None
ClonedCharacter:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(, 0, -9.5),, 0, 0)))
function LoadCharacter()
local ClonedCharacter = Character:Clone()
CurrentCharacter = ClonedCharacter
ClonedCharacter.Parent = script.Parent.ViewportFrame.WorldModel
ClonedCharacter.Humanoid.DisplayDistanceType = Enum.HumanoidDisplayDistanceType.None
ClonedCharacter:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(, 0, -9.5),, 0, 0)))
local ReloadEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes:WaitForChild("ReloadEvent")
if some intelligent person can please tell me why this script is making my input ended firing twice it would be much appreiciated.
Hey, with only this piece of code i can’t really point out precisely the issue but if your InputEnded event fires twice it means that you wrote it under a function that is fired twice so when your InputEnded is triggered, it prints twice. It could also be under a RemoteEvent that you fired twice. I hope this will help you a little bit in fixing this if youd din’t fix it yet.
The event is maybe fired twice make sure the serverscript is inside ServerScriptService. Or if it is inside you can send me the script where the event is fired. Also add a print at the start to see how many times it gets executed.