I’ve looked through many already open discussions about this but I do have a couple of questions myself.
It is said that you cannot buy the currency you gamble with, with robux, now I did think of a loop around that. From my understanding, the robux themselves cannot buy the currency, yet what if a different premium currency was to be introduced that can be traded into the gambling currency, would that then be considered against TOS.
Of course This wouldnt be the only way to get the funds, I do have an in game mechanic I would implement to allow people to do some work for the funds themselves.
Another thing I’ve seen games like case clickers violate this with no loophole, and the game is still up and running, what is the difference they do to abide by the TOS?
(They have purchasable cash for the cases, crash, lottery which takes items in and another one) Although Im not trying to throw shade at them, im curious as to how so I can attempt to implement this into my idea if possible.
lastly, I remember hearing about a user that was terminated because of that reason of purchasable gambling money. So I am a bit confused about the way the rule works. (Yes I am referring to that one person who replicated that one gambling site).