Insane Lag possibly related to switching windows

Studio sometimes lags like crazy with frame times jumping between 1 and 40 ms lasting from a few seconds to several minutes. I think it’s related to switching windows as that is when it happens the most, but it can start randomly as well. It does not happen if i switch my graphics mode to OpenGL.

12th Gen Intel Core i5-12400F CPU
16.00 GB Memory


I have also been experiencing this since the latest studio update. Random freezes up to 300ms when recently having switched focused windows. The only thing visible in the micro profiler is a TimerEvent label.

Thanks for the report! Could you include a microprofiler dump?

I never made a micro profiler dump, and it isn’t happening anymore. I think I fixed it then by switching graphics mode under rendering in studio settings. I have not been able to reproduce the bug anymore.

See if this fixes your problem