Insane Memory usage problem

I don’t really know how memory usage works in roblox studio, And i’m pretty sure this is really bad.

Any help to lessen this problem helps.

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This is normal in studio, I’m not sure why though.

If this is in studio the client memory usage will be higher because your computer is both the client and the server at once, but it’s not that bad usually. The Developer Console seems to “leak” and slowly raises the client memory usage the longer you leave it open but it could be fixed. Make sure every instance/connection/ect you create will either be automatically gc’ed (cleaned up) or you yourself manually clean it up (using methods like :destroy or :disconnect) when it is no longer needed just to be sure.

When loading in the regular game it still caps around 2k mb/s. Don’t know if that’s still bad.

I’m looking into :Disconnect() proper uses right now, Thank you.

If an instance is destroyed, all related connections to its events will be disconnected automatically. A leak could be because something is never destroyed when it is not needed, or its parented to nil, meaning it will still exists.

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You can use the developer console and microprofiler to get more insight on what could be causing the issue btw.

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As long as the memory doesn’t increase rapidly you’re good. If the game contains lots of details the memory is most likely place memory (check in dev console).

In the main game instead of studio it takes about a maximum of 2k mb/s. Though in studio; it takes around 6.9k mb/s which causes the game to load in slow which then also causes playtesting in-studio to be a bit irritating… Every time I try and play; it takes about maybe a minute or two for my game to load.

So apparently it was because I had a ridiculous amount of terrain (water specifically). I evaporated a ton of it and my memory usage is back to normal. Thanks you everyone who commented.


Wait terrain water causes server memory leaks??


I had around 15k voxels of water (lol). And terrain physics cause usage of huge amounts of memory from what I saw inside the dev console. Just enable streaming enabled in workspace and delete water that you might think is unnecessary.

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