Insert object icon disappears when renaming while ESC Key is pressed

So, I just noticed that the “+” icon when hovering over an object in Explorer disappeared when I currently renaming an object and the ESC key was pressed.


[1] Default way of insert object icon appearing when hovering on an object.

[2] Insert object icon disappears when renaming. Yes it’s normal.

[3] Here it is… When currently in the renaming process and suddenly ESC key was pressed the icon doesn’t revert back or appear when hovering the object.

[4] Tried methods but doesn’t work:

  • Moving the object to a different parent (E.g. Workspace, Lighting, Starterpack, etc.)
  • CUT and PASTE process of moving the object.

Working Solution
The icon reverts back to default when I rename it again and press the ENTER key.

I hope this fixes the simple bug because my muscle memory always uses the ESC key when canceling method on renaming something such as outside the Roblox Studio.


We were able to reproduce your issue. We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database, and we’ll follow up when we have an update!

Thanks for the report!


Following up!

The issue has been fixed and will be shipped in the next 530 patch!

Thank you for the report and your patience!


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