[Insert Wars Ultimate]: Can my game get banned for allowing users to insert anything they want?

Hello, I am thebigreeman! Over the past months, I have been working on a very sofisticated game called “Insert Wars Ultimate”.

It is like a game no other on ROBLOX! It uses a Python webserver hosted on ngrok to bypass InsertService limitations in order to be able to insert free models and user models, with no limitations! Also, thanks to someone named “Pizzaboxer” I have a full archive to the entire ROBLOX Sets library which is a removed feature and I also brought back set creation, subcribing and editting!

Sadly, the reason why ROBLOX even made InsertService only able to insert owner and ROBLOX models was because of viruses. Luckily, the toolbox is now much cleaner compared to a few years ago with the introduction of verified users, denial of obfuscation and better asset moderation overall. To be even more secure with bypass models, I have made my very own sandboxing system that denies certain things from working such as HTTPService, DataStoreService and any attempt of editting any of the game’s core scripts such as the Insert Tool itself. On top of that I have hired some moderators in my Discord server which is under the game to moderate the game from bad models / actors.

Now time for the main question, can my game get banned for allowing users insert anything they want, completely free of limitations (except sandboxing)? Please give me answers!


You could add a button for each player that says report player. If they allow spray painting game I am sure that your game will be allowed.


Probably yes, because it’s always possible for some inapopriate assets to slip trough moderation, and if it will be inserted in your game, someone can report your game => you will receive ban / game deletion.
(one of the examples I can think will do such things if someone creates script which will create inapopriate models with “Instance.new”)

But I think models that come from ROBLOX would be their fault because their moderation failed to moderate the asset correctly.

Roblox moderation won’t think that this is their fault. It’s always easier to just ban someone than yourself.

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