Inserting an instance doesn't appear to focus the textbox anymore

So basically, when adding any sort of instance, I used to just press the + button or Ctrl+I to open the insert panel and then type the name of the instance I wanted to insert, then press enter. It was simple, efficient, and doable with keyboard shortcuts only.
But now, when I do it, it doesn’t automatically focus the TextBox from the insert panel, which is extremely annoying, since now I have to manually click on the textbox then type the name of the instance that I’d like to insert. It makes me lose some precious minutes when developing game so it would be cool if it could be fixed. Thanks!

Here are some pictures of the bug:

Expected behavior

Instead, it should just instantly focus the textbox so that when I press + or Ctrl+I, I’d just have to type the name of the instance I wanna insert then press enter.


I restarted studio and it still happens btw

Happens for me on Windows 10, not using new Studio UI refresh. Insanely infuriating bug that slows down my UI workflow by 50x.

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roblox is probably experiencing with the new UI but it breaks everything bruh

I can confirm this is happening, its been driving me crazy lol.

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Rolling out the fix for this now, let me know if it gets fixed in about an hour tops.


It did! Thank you so much!

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