Inserting Models From The Client

hello i’m trying to insert models from the client, so only the player can see it, kinda like


but on the client, does anyone have a idea on how to do this?

Oh you can use contentprovider, this is a way that I did my preloading system. I know it’s a different system but I think you get the idea:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")

-- This table represents almost every asset that exists in roblox
local ConversionTable = {
	[1] = "Image",
	[2] = "T-Shirt",
	[3] = "Sound",
	[4] = "Mesh",
	[5] = "Script",
	[8] = "Hat",
	[9] = "Place",
	[10] = "Model",
	[11] = "Shirt",
	[12] = "Pants",
	[13] = "Decal",
	[17] = "Head",
	[18] = "Face",
	[19] = "Gear",
	[21] = "Badge",
	[24] = "Animation",
	[27] = "Torso",
	[28] = "Right Arm",
	[29] = "Left Arm",
	[30] = "Left Leg",
	[31] = "Right Leg",
	[32] = "Package",
	[34] = "Gamepass",
	[38] = "Plugin",
	[40] = "Meshpart",
	[41] = "Hair Accessory",
	[42] = "Face Accessory",
	[43] = "Neck Accessory",
	[44] = "Shoulder Accessory",
	[45] = "Front Accessory",
	[46] = "Back Accessory",
	[47] = "Waist Accessory",
	[61] = "Emote Animation",
	[62] = "Video",

local ConfirmedAssets = {}

for Every, Asset in game:GetDescendants() do
if ConversionTable[Asset.ClassName] then
table.insert(ConfirmedAssets, Asset)

Now you can do what you want to the assets in the confirmed assets table.

is it possible to load third party items or only items that’s in the game?

Not sure about third party, but definitely iterms that are in the game. The converstion table allows you to.

oh, i was looking for loading third party items on the client, since the insertservice only works on the server

I’m sure you could use remote events/functions in some way. Since it exists on the server it should on the client.

You could use a remote function

yeah but i was thinking of without using remote events since they’re easily exploitable

It’s not dangerous if you’re firing from the server to the client. It’s just a viewable thing, it’s safe. the only time you should care about securing remote events is if you’re firing to server. Firing to client/fireallclients is safe. If the client is a hacker all he can do is mess with his own screen, the rest of the players won’t be affected by the changes. Nor will the server.

it’s because i want it on the client because i have a textbox and i think it’s risky even if you do a remote function, that’s why i was wondering if there was anyway you could do it on the client entirely?

I don’t think its possible to do on the client entirely, but seriously it’s not dangerous don’t worry. The hacker can only ruin his side by not being able to see the models. Literally that’s it, everyone else is fine.