Inserting More Classes to Roblox Studio

Over the months, I have been seeing a lot of users on Roblox Studio have more classes on their Explorer tab which was something odd to me as not understanding how they did:

I quite have tried to seetutorials and information around the documentation website, but no results whatsoever.

Is there any precisely way to activate more of the services and classes? Thank you!

From what I know GetService() can create more services

I believe that is for the parts in scripts overall, but specifically, I want to know if there is a way to have it forever (unless of course, disabling it if you do not wish to have it featured in your Explorer tab)…

You can insert more services via Studio Settings > Studio > Explorer


and via Topbar > Model > Insert Service



Okay, I just have one question, what is the use of these services? Like why would I create a service? Just curiosity

Very few of the services have actual developer use (such as MessagingService and MemoryStoreService)

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Okay, but are we able to create our services? Like ones we create by outlrseves?

You can’t create a custom service (if that’s what you’re asking); creating a service just inserts a pre-existing Roblox service into the game if it wasn’t already inserted

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Oh, ok, I was just asking if it was possible, thanks for spending your time trying to explain thsi to me!

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