Inserting numbers into a table

I have a table called “playerData.ActiveBoosts”. In that table, there are boosts that are added into the table once a player uses said boost, and I want to add in a countdown (1800 seconds) into the boost. And this does not work.

Code that inserts boost/error/the table itself:




you could try having the key value pairs in the ActiveBoosts table being the boost/cooldown, which you could do like this:

playerData.ActiveBoosts[boost] = 1800

This would make the structure of the ActiveBoosts table look like:

["KeybugToken"] = 1800,
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You’re trying to index the table with the value you just inserted into it. Try doing:

table.insert(table.find(playerData.ActiveBoosts[boost]), 1800)

I would recommend the above method however.

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