Inserting players name into table

Hey developers I have a problem how do I insert the current players in the game inside of a table? I tried using loops maybe I’m not using them correctly and also I read 2 previous topics and it didn’t help. Thanks

local TableOfPlayers = game:GetService'Players':GetPlayers()

It would also help if you posted your code so people could see where you went wrong

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Tay-bels are an interesting thing to learn, depending on your scenario you could get all the current in-game players by using game.Players:GetPlayers() through a for i, v in pairs loop

local IngamePlayers = {}

function StartGame()
    for _, Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
        table.insert(IngamePlayers, Player.Name)

That works but how do I make a custom table where I can add or remove values(players).

This is my current script

MiniGameModule.GetPlayers = function()

local PlayersInGame = {}

for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
	table.insert(PlayersInGame, i, tostring(v.Name))

return PlayersInGame


You could implement custom functions to determine when you want to add/remove the Players inside the table, maybe something like this inside a CharacterAdded & Died Event?

for Number, Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
    if CharacterWhoDied.Name == Player.Name and table.find(PlayersInGame, CharacterWhoDied.Name) then
        table.remove(PlayersInGame, Number)

I already have it implemented to check if a player in the table has died and if they did remove them. But I need a custom table that holds the players in the round. Basically I want to store in the table all of the players.

where are them peransithies???

There’s no difference between writing it as 'Players' or ('Players'). That’s just my preference


Would it have a different result if you wrote it as "Players" instead of 'Players'?

tostring(v.Name) is unneeded as the player’s name is already a string.

I don’t think it still wouldn’t make any difference

I believe you could do in either ways:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Players = game:GetService('Players')
local Players = game:GetService"Players"
local Players = game:GetService'Players'

Didn’t know that you could do it without the parenthesis