I Have a dynamic ocean set up, its made up of 1 stud bricks that disappear when a part is in its place. the bricks must be 1 stud so it looks smooth. but to proceed with this method I will need to place possibly thousands of them. each brick is cancollide false, anchored, and changes transparency only when another part is intersecting with it. will this amount of parts cause severe lag? can roblox even handle this many parts?
I would advise against your current setup since it’s very inefficient and likely will lag a lot on lower end devices. Have you considered using smooth terrain water, or possibly making your ocean out of large triangles?
the problem with terrain water is that I need it to move out of the way of models that make contact with it. I made a topic on it too:
so far making many objects like this is my only solution.
You could try using the transparency glitch with Glass to hide water inside your models. Don’t use this solution tho, because it will not run well on most devices due to the overhead of the parts themselves and any associated scripts.
an idea came up. maybe I can create shapes or cutouts in the ocean for models to fit through. this will give the appearence I need, but it wont be adaptive and take any shape for any model.