Inspired by sk3let0n's Spaceship Engine

So, I don’t normally get inspired by other people’s work these days, but when I do it it’s because their work is freakin’ amazing! So sk3let0n inspired this out of me with his recent spaceship engine post :slight_smile:

This took me 1.30 hours. No solid modelling. Less than 1k parts. Also if you get inspired by something you see, want not make your version and post it?



could be used as an antenna as well

For all our sakes, I hope this turns into a turf war where people are just trying to one-up each other

[quote] neat

could be used as an antenna as well [/quote]

Yeah, I want to use it in something but have no idea what :frowning:

Maybe an Hexaria cutscene?

Looks more like a space station than a space engine, but it still looks awesome.

Yeah, it’s not really meant to be anything in particular. I just got inspired by the space engine :slight_smile:

Teach me how to build like that please. :frowning:

I could never build that. Even if I could, it would undoubtedly take me days, maybe weeks. :emo-angst:

[320th post, Platinum Member status is nigh!]

Best idea ever- resize it 1000x smaller and put it as the scope of a sniper rifle

You could make it a Hexaria counter-strike like map where one team is set to destroy the engine and the other to protect it.

How did you make that in less than 2 hours???

Can you make a timelapse video the next time you build something like this?

[quote] How did you make that in less than 2 hours???

Can you make a timelapse video the next time you build something like this? [/quote]

Yeah, maybe. It’s not often I build randomly like this anymore, instead I am working on games I am involved with :slight_smile:

But if I remember I’ll be sure to post it!

Pretty darn awesome!

Reminds me of the live action space battleship yamato wave motion engine.

That sounds like a really cool idea! :open_mouth:

What kinda of engine is this? Fusion? Fision? Anti mater? Hey you! Yeah you Innovation Inc nerds, tell me what this is and how to blow it up!

100% free models confirmed.

Just kidding, looks great. You and sk3l are probs two of my favorite detail-wise builders

The second picture looks like something you can make an arm cannon out of.
Really nice!

Done some speed builds if anyone is interested:

How come the castle (walls) don’t have hexagonal influences? :o

It looks really nice still though