What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I’m trying to achieve a Instance Dungeon system (aka Rooms, aka Channels).
For those who don’t know what an instance dungeon is, I’ll try to explain.
An Instance dungeon is an area that can only be seen by a select person/group. This is used in games to create party dungeons, stop kill stealing (by having mobs on each players screen independently), etc.
PS. I am not looking for TeleportService, nor just cloning the entire map for each and every player. I hope to overlap all the maps. (if possible)
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
The main issue I face are collisions. I would rather not use CollisionGroups because it would make it impossible to use them in other circumstances (Also, it is impossible to have multiple collision groups for some strange reason ). I believe that NoCollisionConstraints may be the way to go, however I was confused whether it would be optimal to loop through every instance in every room and set a constraint to them.
I would also like to know how other people would implement an instance dungeon, I’m sure there are far better ways than I am doing it.
Also please let me know if this is even possible, reading my own writing has lost a bit of my hope.
What solutions have you tried so far?
I’ve tried CollisionGroups, and while it did work, not being able to use CollisionGroups for anything else is pretty limiting.
I may add more to this forum later, please let me know if anyone has any idea how I can create it.
Thats what I had thought of too, however with NPC collisions I believe that too would be tough (if a Player and NPC’s position overlap, or a player is in the way of the NPC’s path). I could possibly use NoCollisionConstraint on the NPC/Player, but would NPCs change their path according to it? Do note I’ve not used pathfinding service often, so they may already have a feature around this.
well if you parent the npcs to a folder from a client script it is still there on the server just not on client
so the client would run everything like normal, but the client would have it in replicated storage or something. I dont think you have to worry about collisions if the npc is in replicated storage for the client.
I was thinking of adding the monsters on the server, then just making every other room’s monster invisible + no collisions. Would that not be possible? I would hate to have to trust the client.
My idea of implementing an instanced dungeon is to actually generate the room on the server, however the mobs and loot would only be given to particular players via RemoteEvents. To combat collision issues between mobs, loot and respective players, you could just disable them entirely, or use a CollisionGroup. I’m curious what the issue you have with that as well.