local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
game.ReplicatedStorage.GuiRemoteEvents.Command.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(player, command, victim)
local me = string.lower(plr.Name)
if me == victim then
if command == "Bring" then
plr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame = CFrame.new(1, 1, 3) * game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(player):FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame
elseif command == "To" then
game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(player):FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame = plr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame * CFrame.new(1, 1, 3)
elseif command == "Reset" then
elseif command == "Reset" then
plr:Kick("You have been kicked by".. player ..". If you have a problem with this talk to a SHR.")
elseif command == "Ban" then
game.ReplicatedStorage.GuiRemoteEvents.Banning:FireServer(plr.Name, player)
plr:Kick("You have been banned by ".. player ..". If you have a problem with this talk to a SHR.")
This is the server script.
game.ReplicatedStorage.GuiRemoteEvents.Banning.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(placeholder, victim, plr)
local Ban = Instance.new("StringValue")
Ban.Parent = script.Parent.BanList
Ban.Name = victim
Ban.Value = plr
For some reason it doesn’t make the value in the server script. The output says something about the packet not processing.
I have tried many things suggested by the discord server scripting helpers, but I couldn’t find help there. Anyone have a clue why it isn’t putting a stringvalue in the BanList?
Why are you listening from the server for input from the client?
I.e why are you listening for OnClientEvent when this is input from the client.
Slightly unrelated but why are you kicking from the client?
You had only 2 arguments.
That means that “plr” in the previous function has no value, that explains why your value is getting set to nothing.
Tell me if that fixed anything!
The variable player hasn’t been set on the client, only plr, so when you send that nil value to the server you’re trying to set a string value to nil. Was there any error in the server log?
I don’t understand your script, didn’t teleport, kick or ban should be done in the server (Of course you can do it in client, if you wish )? I saw you use OnClientEvent, if it is fire from the server script, why not do all the thing in the server script instead of firing remote.
I guess you have a logical error here.
I actually don’t have any clue on your problem. I want to know if the script print(player) and print(“Test.”)
I would suggest you to use PlaceHolder.UserId instead of victim, this can decrease the request. (As well as the player(in client side) / plr (in server side) in you script)
Using ID can avoid the ban script cannot detect the player that have changed his name. Or you can save it as a ban log.
Please format your code properly so it’s easier to read. This can be achieved by placing two backticks before and after your code.
-- Your code
To be honest, in general, I think the error is in the way you wrote the code more than anything. There’s a couple of things giving me grief in which are inhibiting my ability to provide good feedback:
Extreme code vulnerabilities
Nested if statements
Firing the LocalPlayer to a remote when the player is automatically passed as the first argument for OnServerEvent
You also tried setting the value of a StringValue to a userdata object. That won’t fly.
What is the problem then? I don’t understand. There’s two blocks of code (and please fix your formatting, again) and a typed message. That doesn’t help me understand the problem. I don’t even know what the console looks like when it throws that error.